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Creating Significant Learning Environments

This ADL course will start by focusing on learning as a first priority. Learning will drive the selection, implementation, and application of technology within the learning environment. This focus allows technology to be put into its proper place, where it enhances learning rather than being a directive tool that can potentially limit learning. Below is evidence of my knowledge and understanding.

My learning philosophy is my core beliefs and values about teaching and learning. It is the foundation of instructional techniques and the lesson-planning process. It explains my commitment to providing an engaging education for all students and how I encourage collaboration that promotes lifelong learning.

This section demonstrates how shifting to a significant learning environment can improve learning. Consider the issues that creating significant learning environments will resolve and how they will impact my innovation plan.

In this section, I will use Fink's Self-Directed Guide to Designing Courses for Significant Learning to create an instructional component for my innovation plan. This will include establishing a solid understanding of the learning environment, developing effective learning goals and outcomes, and aligning these goals and outcomes with assessments and activities.

The UbD template guides curriculum planning using a backward design framework. It helps you reflect on how the design process contributes to innovative planning and provides an overview of the learning environment. 

I have recently revisited and updated my growth mindset plan to enhance the development, promotion, and support of a growth mindset in my learners. I am making adjustments to increase the likelihood of its success, demonstrating my commitment to creating a classroom environment where students are encouraged to view obstacles as opportunities for personal growth, to be resilient, and to be recognized for their efforts.

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