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Innovation Proposal

Dear ESL Department and Alief ISD Administrators,


Currently, Alief ISD has over 90 languages spoken by our student population. Emergent bilingual students are expected to show their knowledge of content and standards through various assessments, projects, and assignments, even as non-native English speakers. In secondary science, the language barrier and acclimation to their new home country often overshadow their ability to feel comfortable and vulnerable in displaying their full academic potential in class.


There is a resolution to this ongoing problem. The 7th-grade science students will create a digital ePortfolio using the class set of Chromebooks and iPads. It will display PBL activities, pictures and videos of labs, student feedback, and other science-blended learning opportunities in class. Students can display their growth and progress using the acquired learning tools and strategies. The students will also present prior knowledge and share real-world experiences pertaining to the science course.


I am proposing to pilot the use of the ePortfolio in my classroom in which:

  • Using the Chromebook class set, desktops, or their devices, display their collaborative effort of project-based learning opportunities in science.

  • Students use their pre-established Google accounts to create a free website using Google Sites or other district-approved platforms as they become available. They will have a choice in the design and content of their ePortfolio, but it will be private within the ALIEF ISD domain.

  • Give teachers in the future grade levels an opportunity to see what the student is capable of.

  • Build confidence and show the students progression through their grade school career and beyond.

  • Will give choice and ownership of their learning.

  • Allow more opportunities for language growth and development through authentic, engaging learning.

  •  Allowing students to reflect on learning actively, monitor their progress, and support students in analyzing their learning in secondary science.


The benefits allow them to display their prior knowledge from their native country. Share their stories through pictures and written experiences of transitioning to their new home country. Assess and give feedback on classmates who speak other languages with whom they usually wouldn't communicate. A student-created ePortfolio will also allow teachers and ESL administrative staff to have real-time and current student content to help evaluate and plan students' next ESL placement level.


I am asking the ALIEF ISD ESL department to allow me to pilot this engaging ePortfolio opportunity in my emergent bilingual course in the next 12-24 months. I will measure the pilot's results and share those results to explore ways to implement ePortfolios in other EB courses and possibly in other emergent bilingual subject areas school-wide.


Thank you for your consideration, 


Khelia Olison

ESL-7th Grade Science, Team Leader

Albright Middle School

All photos used with permission @ WIXBLOG

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