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Professional Learning Community

Jul 22, 2024

2 min read




Unsplash. (2017, September 7). Photo by Clark Tibbs on Unsplash.

Professional learning networks allow me to easily share best practices and brainstorm innovative ways to improve learning and drive student achievement. I am a member of Schoology Learning Platform, Houston Loves Teachers, Maniacs in the Middle, The National Science Teaching Association, and my district's Summer Language Institute team.

My experience as a learning community member has been great on the Schoology platform, allowing me to share projects, lesson plans, assignments, and assessments with teachers. We collaborate, share ideas, and give feedback on what works and is not working in a particular lesson. Houston Love Teachers Community is a great organization that provides teachers with support, fun activities, and rewards for being vital community members. Maniac in the Middle is a science-based learning community by teacher Josie Bensko. She provided engaging and interactive lessons that you can tailor to fit your student population.

Over the past four years, I have been a member of the Summer Language Institute team. I teach engaging lessons on reading skills and strategies to emergent bilinguals who have been in the United States for less than a year. I also escorted field trips and helped choreograph and coordinate our multicultural day parade every summer. Recently, I joined the NSTA, which is committed to best practices in teaching science and STEM and its impact on student learning.

Though I have been in education for almost two decades, feedback is essential because it focuses on the past and allows you to make corrections or adjustments so you can feed forward, focus on the future, and expand possibilities. Feedback is good, but feed forward is excellent! My 5302 GroupMe chat group, has had a significant impact on my learning in this course. Collaborating, sharing ideas, and deep-diving into the course have elevated my learning. I am taking steps to move forward by providing and welcoming suggestions, but also actively discussing how things can be done going ahead, promoting more open-mindedness, and motivating others to do the right thing moving forward so they can continue to seek improvement and grow.

My learning networks:

Houston Love Teachers

SLI Summer


Maniac in the Middle

National Science Teacher Association

Jul 22, 2024

2 min read





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