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Reflection: Growth Mindset , Cova and Failing Forward

Jul 22, 2024

2 min read




Figure 1 Plant Growing

(Media from Wix, n.d)

What I have gained from the program is the development of skills such as collaboration, communication, leadership, research, time management, and organization. Carol Dweck's growth mindset, failing forward strategies, and the COVA learning approach have been enlightening and insightful throughout this new learning journey in the ADL program.

The most valuable lesson I learned is that, although sometimes challenging, having ownership and control over my learning has developed my learning mindset into a growth mindset. With persistence over time, I can improve my abilities through effort and learning. Adopting a growth mindset has allowed me to view obstacles and challenges as opportunities to develop and enhance my education.

I will incorporate COVA in my portfolio by making it reflect my role as an educator. That is my choice. I included aspects of science and pictures of students actively engaging in learning. Throughout my portfolio, I actively use my voice to express my purpose and passion. This course has allowed me to become a self-directed learner. This enabled me to take control of my learning process through collaboration and critical thinking. The choice to organize, structure, and present my learning experiences has allowed me to retain information and develop a deeper understanding of the material.

Failing forward strategies is the process of learning to let go of the need to be perfect. I have learned that failure is not the ultimate ending. Failure is to step out and take risks, whether professionally or personally, to achieve success. Use failure as a stepping stone for future success.

As I advance in the program, these concepts will guide my learning experience, enabling me to further develop my growth mindset, embrace failure as a tool for progress, and actively participate in my educational journey. I am enthusiastic about utilizing the program's resources to tackle new challenges, push boundaries, and achieve my complete potential as an ESL teacher team leader and Secondary Science Curriculum Writer.

Jul 22, 2024

2 min read





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