You must check out Ladonna Greens's portfolio! It's more geared towards the health and wellness of children in her district. It has nice photos, a clean text font, and is easy to follow. The main thing that was eye-catching to me was her blogs. Her blogs were so personal; she talked about her childhood trauma, anxiety, and even her birthday. She discussed how she practices self-care. She poured herself into her blog posts and made them personable, which I liked. Even though it's a professional platform, it gives you an insight into who she is outside of a professional setting, which I appreciate because you only come across that a little. That is one thing that inspires me to try to improve my blog - to open up a little bit more, be a little bit more personable, and show my personality in my blog posts to make that connection with the reader. I think it will help the viewer understand the passion and purpose behind my innovation plan. Another highlight of her e-portfolio is how she blogs about taking Dr. H's class and switching her e-portfolio platform from WordPress to Wix. Having to start over resonated with me because I had to switch from Google Sites to Wix. Everyone has a horror story about building and starting their e-portfolios!
Green, L. (2022, May 3). Switching My e-Portfolio. Healthy Learning.