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What is Your Why?

“People don't buy what you do; they buy why you do it. And what you do simply proves what you believe.”
― Simon Sinek


We believe the ePortfolio is a vital tool for collaboration, self-reflection, and evaluation, leveraging technology to track cognitive growth and capabilities.


Engaging students in decision-making by using technology to reflect, revise, and share their work while providing feedback. 


E-portfolios will support students in reflecting on their learning, improving their work, and fostering independence in managing their education.

Section Title

The objective is to provide current and future teachers with insights into their student's abilities as they begin their educational journey in the American school system. The e-portfolio builds confidence and showcases students' progress throughout their education and beyond. It empowers students by giving them choices and ownership over their learning (Harapnuik, 2021).  Additionally, it presents more opportunities for language growth and development through authentic and engaging learning experiences. This approach encourages students to actively reflect on their learning, monitor their progress, and analyze their understanding, particularly in secondary science-sheltered classrooms.

The Why

Creating a Sense of Urgency

My innovation proposal aims for educators to emphasize the needs of our ever-growing ESL population. Despite being non-native English speakers, emergent bilingual students are expected to demonstrate their understanding of content and standards through various assessments, projects, and assignments. In secondary science, the language barrier and the process of acclimating to a new country often hinder students' ability to feel comfortable and confident in showcasing their full academic potential in class. 


We all have personal stories or insights regarding the trends and concerns surrounding the influx of emergent bilingual students. Teachers face the challenge of engaging, supporting, and providing meaningful educational experiences while building background knowledge to communicate with newcomers effectively. English learner educators have observed that technology can enhance communication, but language barriers frequently limit students' comfort and willingness to be vulnerable in their learning. Research indicates that immigrant and refugee students with little to no English language proficiency perform best when given opportunities to engage with information in diverse ways, process and make sense of ideas, and share what they are learning (Thacker, 2022). Inspired by Simon Sinek's concept of starting with "Why," I  will communicate why this change is required, highlighting its impact on student success and overall school improvement.


There is a resolution to this ongoing problem. The 7th-grade science students will create a digital ePortfolio using the class set of Chromebooks and iPads. It will display PBL activities, pictures and videos of labs, student feedback, and other science-blended learning opportunities in class. Students can display their growth and progress using the acquired learning tools and strategies. The students will also present prior knowledge and share real-world experiences about the science course.


The Google Sites platform offers ease of use, security, and sharing features. Teachers will provide clear instructions and guidelines for students, including expectations for format, content, due dates, and assessment criteria. Incorporating assignments in the portfolio will encourage students to choose and create artifacts to add to their portfolios. We will provide opportunities to practice by starting with low-stakes assignments. Students will reflect on their learning goals at the beginning of the course and return to them throughout the semester. 
Rubrics will be developed to evaluate students' ePortfolios and provide regular feedback. After the course, evaluations of the effectiveness of the ePortfolios will be provided to collect student feedback. 

This sense of urgency will motivate and inspire teachers and the ESL department. Current technology and digital platforms will create individualized and vibrant learning experiences that promote critical thinking and teamwork and make it easier to put knowledge into practice in real-world situations. Presenting data and evidence from the course completion will highlight the current gaps and opportunities for improvement to help teachers understand the need for change. Regardless, student work and feedback will be shared, connecting emotionally and showing how these changes can positively impact their students' lives.



Harapnuik, D. (2021). COVA.


Sinek, S. (2009). Start with why -- how great leaders inspire action | Simon Sinek | TEDxPugetSound. In          YouTube.


Thacker, S. (2022). A Report from the Field: How ePortfolios Can Improve Student Transition from                    Secondary to Post-Secondary Education in Alaska. International Journal of EPortfolio, 12(1), 17–33.


All photos used with permission @ WIXBLOG

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